Consent is not a grey area. Consent is everyone's right and responsibility.

The Report + Support Team are delivering interactive sessions to help you understand what consent means, what it looks/sounds like (or does not), and how to apply this knowledge to different situations so that you can make the most of your time at UoG and become an informed member of our University.

We will be offering these sessions throughout the academic year so please check back regularly for upcoming dates.

We are currently offering 30 minute online sessions on (registration required):

Consent 101: What Is Consent and Why Is It Relevant to You?

Monday 18th November at 11am.

Healthy Relationships: From One-Night Stands to Long-Term Relations

Tuesday 19th November at 2pm.

Porn & Rough Sex: Expectations vs Reality

Thursday 21st November at 3pm.

Online Dating: From Sexting to In-Person Meetings 

Thursday 28th November at 11am.

Nights Out: How to Look After Yourself and Others

Thursday 14th November - In person at Greenwich Campus

Friday 29th November at 12pm.

We strongly encourage you to attend Consent 101 before you sign up to other sessions, as this will allow you to absorb the content and engage with the activities. The Report + Support Team will provide information and scenarios to help you understand consent and will ask you to interact with the sessions by answering questions via Mentimeter. Your answers will be anonymous and at no point will you be asked to turn your camera on or answer a question directly.

To sign up for the sessions, please click on the links above (a valid UoG email account will be needed to register).

UoG also offers an online Moodle course on Healthy Sex and Relationships which provides you with training on consent, rape culture and how to tackle it, intimate partner violence and the law on sexual offending.  You can access the course here: Course: Healthy Sex and Relationships 2024-25 | Moodle Home (


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